So nötig.. ein wenig Historie zum #Fediverse. Vielleicht will ein technisch interessierter #Histori…

So nötig.. ein wenig Historie zum . Vielleicht will ein technisch interessierter #Historiker recherchieren und eine umfassende Zusammenfassung bereitstellen.

♾️ 스노 (雪亮 Yuki) 🔏 🦣 ( 13:41:40:

#Rappler, please correct this: Users of #Mastodon have created a “Fediverse”…

Please also correct: “Mastodon’s fediverse”. The fediverse is not Mastodon’s, Mastodon is simply one part of the network.

A little #history.

* 2008: #identica, powered by #OStatus protocol, came online. The first publicly launched federated platform, or software, as well as service.

* 2010: (called #Mistpark during development, and #Friendika when it) launched publicly.

(aside) * 2010(?): diaspora launched (diaspora protocol). Their network is called “The Fediverse” (or maybe later? I can’t remember this part)

* Sometime between 2010 and 2012, the term was first coined to replace the brand-based terminology #identiverse (based on identica).

* 2014: The W3C started the #ActivityPub protocol working group.

* 2016: Mastodon launched, supporting only the #OStatus protocol.

* 2017 July: #Hubzilla officially added support for the ActivityPub protocol.

* 2017 September: Mastodon officially added support for the ActivityPub protocol

* 2018 January: ActivityPub officially reached “W3C Recommendation” (a.k.a. launched, stable, final, recommended standard)

The Fediverse has existed since 2008. Eight years before the “Mastodon” platform/software launched. It was not even the first to implement the ActivityPub protocol.

Other than those mentioned, everything is cool.

EDIT: added extra info, re: #diaspora and #TheFediverse.


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